A recent article by KSI, the Strategic Institute for Asia Pacific, explores the effectiveness of Higher Education Institution's use of online tools in the face of the global pandemic.
The article refers to evidence presented by i-graduate's Covid Response Barometer survey, alongside KSI's own study which sought to examine if Malaysian students based in locally-based HEIs have altered their studying plans due to the pandemic.
留学生人口を増やしたいという願望は、1983年以来 日本政府の政策となっている。2019年5月、留学生は学生人口の7.8%を占めた。 大学生の急速な減少に伴い、留学生は重要な収入源であるだけでなく、多様性を追加し、国内の学生が恩恵を受け異文化コミュニケーションを可能にすることができる。...
Japan’s desire to increase its international student population has been government policy since 1983. In May 2019, international students...
The outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020 was, in modern times, unprecedented. And it required an unprecedented response from education institutions...